Contact Details

Entries and Fees

Details of your work for the Catalogue

I have checked the dimensions of my Hung Work. It is no greater than 95cm wide x 150cm high, including the frame. (required if Hung Work is included)
Hung Work (maximum 2) $$$ for one, $$$ for more than one.
Title (max 20 characters) Medium Price
3D Work (maximum 3) $$$ for one, $$$ for more than one.
Title (max 20 characters) Medium Price

I have checked the dimensions of my Miniatures. The painted area no greater than 8000 sq mm e.g. 80 mm x 100 mm. (required if Miniatures are included)
Miniatures (maximum 4) $$$ for one, $$$ for more than one.
Title (max 20 characters) Medium Price
Jewellery (maximum 5) $$$ for one, $$$ for more than one.
Title (max 20 characters) Medium Price


Payment made to. Please select one: (required)


Please note: The form can only be submitted when all required fields are complete and the button has changed from blue to green.

When your form has been submitted, you will be taken to the Registration Confirmation page and receive a confirmation email.

Tip: don't miss 'I have read the Terms and Conditions' at the top of the form.